
Smart Cushion

Advanced pressure relief for wheelchair users and the elderly

Neo X - Smart Cushion

Advanced pressure relief for wheelchair users and the elderly 

Providing comfort and health with technology and innovative design 
Smart cushion , Neo X

With NeoX, whether in the office or at home, you can experience whereever, 
a smart pressure ulcer prevention solution on a whole new level 

 Stable safety even when maintaining or changing posture

Circulation of air pressure appropriate to usage time and body pressure

Prevention of body pressure shift using 3 cushion cells

Neo X,
Preview in 3D

STABILITYㅣoffers stable seating

PU foam supports fixed ischial and coccygeal areas
Maximize seating stability, prevent left and right shaking

[Circulation] 공기압의 순환

사용시간에 따라 방석의 공기압을 변화, 순환 시키며
방석면의 체압을 분산합니다.

CIRCULATIONㅣauto-circulation of air

Improve circulation for better blood flow and pressure relief

OFF-LOADINGㅣautomatically redistributes pressure

Prevents pressure concentration, automatic pressure distribution function. 30 grid-shaped air cells inflate automatically to distribute pressure in 3 sections. Includes pressure distribution and posture adjustment warning features.

자동 공기압 조절을 통한
압력 노출 최소화로 욕창 예방

NeoX scope of application

NeoX aims to innovate the smart cushion market to improve the comfort of wheelchair users 

and prevent skin tissue damage caused by pressure such as bedsores.

Wheelchair users, their guardians, and their families.

Severely disabled and users at high risk of pressure wounds.

Healthcare providers, hospitals, rehabilitation centers.

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